Winning the Internet

Juicy bits you need to know about Facebook, now

After a great run, the Winning the Internet blog has been retired. However, you can still keep in touch with New Media Mentors here.

imagesHere’s a quick must read from Social Media Examiner on what works – and what doesn’t on the social media giant, Facebook.

Some of the highlights:

78% of U.S. Facebook Users Are Mobile

What does that mean? The trend indicates that Facebook users will increasingly be using their mobile devices to log in. So, it may be time to look into a mobile strategy for your organization. That means seeing what your page looks like on a mobile phone and making it as visual and easy to navigate as possible. (Photos are the best performing posts on Facebook.)

Negative Feedback Hurts Conversion

As the post mentions, “Facebook doesn’t have a Dislike button. However, users can show their aversion toward your content by hiding it from their news feed.”

For the nonprofit world this is important. According to this post by Techimpact, 36% of people surveyed “unliked” a nonprofit on Facebook because it only posted about donating. This is a good reminder that social media is social – and constant selling and promotion don’t work. In fact, they will negatively affect your conversion rates.

Facebooks hashtags are not working

Apparently posts with hashtags are not only less likely to go viral, but also make people less likely to engage with the content.

The takeaway? Well it’s obvious. When it comes to hashtags on Facebook, don’t bother.

Great stuff here. Totally worth a read. Check it out!

About Liza Pike

I'm the founder of New Media Mentors, a hands on learning program to help non profits use social media and online organizing tools effectively.

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