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Demystifying Google Grants

Google’s grant program represents both a terrific opportunity for non-profit organizations and a source of confusion and frustration for most of them. It sounds pretty easy on the surface, Google is giving you $10,000 a month in ad words and you can increase that to $40,000 a month if you’re consistently using the $10,000 up. It can be quite difficult to spend even a fraction of that $10,000 if you don’t employ the right strategies.

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Celebrate Facebook successes: A lesson from the Humane Society

Check out this post from Beth’s Blog if you’ve got a Facebook milestone coming up: “When Is One Million Fans on Facebook Worth More Than A Million Bucks?”

Whether it’s 1,000,000 followers or 1,000, you could have a reason to celebrate. While a press release might not be appropriate for all of us, this post has some great ideas for creating an integrated campaign around a milestone. Here are a few things the Humane Society did.

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