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Enter the TechSoup Digital Story Challenge

TechSoup is in the midst of an exciting challenge called the Digital Story Challenge. Submit your one-minute video or five-photo slideshow to win excellent award donations from their partners. The deadline to apply is February 29th and I’ll be one of the judges.

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SOPA: The Internet strikes back

On January 18th we’re standing in solidarity with thousands of other sites and individuals to protest SOPA. This action is rather unique because it has unified organizations across the political spectrum and caused technology companies simply providing a service to interrupt that service to tell their users about the dangers of this bill. Most of the participants here have sat on the sidelines, even through important debates like the FCC ruling on net neutrality and debating wireless spectrum.

I’m probably not going to provide any insight about this fight that you haven’t already read, so we’ll stick with what we do best here. I wanted to share a few pieces that I felt made the case for joining the protest and/or articulated the issue in an interesting way.

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Winning the Internet

Welcome to our new blog, Winning the Internet. All of us at Netroots Foundation and Netroots Nation have been working in the new media space since there was a new media space. In fact, our signature annual conference was created so that people could meet in person, collaborate and learn.

As a busy organizer, it’s hard to keep up and determine if you really should be investing in something. Should you be focusing on building out a G+ brand page or decking out your LinkedIn profile?

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