Tag Archives: Facebook

Is Facebook still useful for nonprofits?

Over the last several months and years, changes to Facebook’s algorithm have made it harder and harder for nonprofits to reach their communities on Facebook without paying. A change coming in January of 2015 could eliminate organic reach altogether. So, is Facebook still useful for nonprofits? This post digs into this topic.

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Pssst. Here’s how to do a perfect Facebook post

Want to do a perfect post on Facebook? Here’s how.

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Influencing public policy in the digital age: Legal rules for using social media

Can a c3 lose its tax status over a careless Tweet? What happens when a politician likes your organization’s Facebook page? In this interview Isaiah Castilla talks about the rules you need to follow when using social media, blogs and email as part of your advocacy toolkit – the topic of his upcoming Netroots Nation training.

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Juicy bits you need to know about Facebook, now

Here’s a quick must read on what works – and what doesn’t on the social media giant, Facebook.

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Optimize Your Facebook Headlines For Petitions

What makes people click a link on Facebook? The Huffington Post, Upworthy, and other publications that have mastered the art of using a social media curiosity gap to encourage clicks to their content.

You may want to apply this strategy for Facebook headlines, but there is at least one case where a curiosity gap will do more harm than good.

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Why the red HRC marriage equality campaign was a hit on Facebook

If you logged onto Facebook yesterday, odds are you saw a red version of the Human Rights Campaign’s logo in your feed, in support of marriage equality while the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments for and against DOMA and California’s Proposition 8.

According to CNN, about 10 million people saw the image on Facebook. So, how the heck did HRC get millions of people to share their logo (of all things)? This post breaks down what made the campaign a success, and what we can learn from it.

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