Tag Archives: Twitter

We’re Not Upworthy: Social Media for Organizations With No Money, Time or Resources

Social media can be a fickle and frustrating beast, especially for organizations that don’t have a lot (or any) money, staff or time to put into mastering its constantly changing best practices. And yet, when it works, it can be one of the most cost-effective ways for small organizations to reach new audiences and expand their base. In this interview, Hilary Woodward of Jobs With Justice and Beth Becker talk about using social media effectively with few resources – the topic of their upcoming Netroots Nation training.

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Best Practices in Digital Analytics: Using Website and Social Media Testing to Optimize for Virality

In recent years, using A/B testing to drive more actions from email campaigns has become a common best practice amongst digital campaigners. But most people haven’t yet cracked the nut on how to use A/B testing to increase a campaign’s virality and reach a wider audience beyond their existing email list. In this interview, Jim Pugh of ShareProgress talks about using testing to increase virality – the topic of his upcoming Netroots Nation training with Angelica Morales.

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Turbo-charging Your Campaigns via Online Influencers

Kanye and the Kardashians are not the only online influencers with the power to change the world. The most powerful communications come not from nonprofits themselves, but from everyday supporters with passionate voices who have the ability to reach broad audiences to drive powerful action. These supporters, known as influencers, are passionate, have the ability to mobilize an audience that trusts them. In this interview Cheryl Contee of Fission Strategy talks about online influencers – the topic of her upcoming Netroots Nation training.

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7 Legal Rules for Online Advocacy That Everyone Should Know

Can a c3 lose its tax status over a careless tweet? What happens when a politician “likes” your organization’s Facebook page? In this interview, Isaiah Castilla of Alliance for Justice talks about legal rules for using social media, blogs and email as part of an advocacy toolkit – the topic of his upcoming Netroots Nation training.

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New Twitter Analytics: It’s a Start

Twitter recently made their analytics tools available to all users. When I first heard this I was excited. I logged into the analytics center and was dazzled by the Tweets dashboard. On first glance it’s very pretty, but when you look closer, it’s missing some key features.

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Influencing public policy in the digital age: Legal rules for using social media

Can a c3 lose its tax status over a careless Tweet? What happens when a politician likes your organization’s Facebook page? In this interview Isaiah Castilla talks about the rules you need to follow when using social media, blogs and email as part of your advocacy toolkit – the topic of his upcoming Netroots Nation training.

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