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Bridgett Colling
As we get ready for Netroots Nation 2015, we’re taking a closer look at some of the convention’s most exciting training sessions. We’re interviewing the trainers and taking you inside some of online activism’s most popular and elusive topics.
Today we’re interviewing Bridgett Colling of See3 Communications, who’ll be leading Nonprofit Productivity: How to Get Sh*t Done While Wearing Many Hats.
NN15 Training Session
Nonprofit Productivity: How to Get Sh*t Done While Wearing Many Hats
Chances are you wear a lot of hats. Many of us have to manage competing responsibilities on a daily basis, while continuing to move our missions forward. How can you measure the impact you make when you need to be making an impact in so many places? This training session will teach you how to prioritize your goals so you make real progress, instead of checking off things on a to-do list that doesn’t get you anywhere. You’ll learn how to clarify and prioritize what you need to get done so you can feel awesome about the work you do, make a bigger impact in your field, and make time for important things like rest and play.
Q: Tell us about yourself and your expertise in the area of nonprofit productivity.
A: I’m the Director of Content Marketing at See3, a digital agency for nonprofits and social causes. I spend about half my time marketing See3 through our blog, email newsletters, white papers, webinars and social media, and the other half as a marketing consultant for our clients.
I love the work I do, but as anyone who works in digital marketing knows, it is so easy to get pulled into a notification gratification cycle, where you are constantly feeling the need to respond to new information. I wanted to curb this cycle, so I started researching productivity tips relentlessly and tested out the ones that resonated with me (which I wrote about here). After applying productivity strategies and tactics to my own life for the past 12 months, I have a system that really works for me, and I’m excited to share it with other people.
Q: In your opinion, what is the most common mistake people make when trying to be more productive?
A: So many people don’t invest time in evaluating what work is really important and thinking about when they actually have time to do it. People continually fail to put energy into organizing their own time so that they are doing things that make an impact, not just crossing things off a to-do list or putting out fires. That’s setting yourself up for failure, and causing a lot of unnecessary stress that makes it hard to continue to do great work.
Q: What are the two most important things someone can do to be as productive as possible?
A: The two trustiest tools I use are 1) a colorful weekly to-do list and 2) a time-blocking sheet that allows me to figure out when I will actually have time to work what’s on my to do list. I wrote about my process of creating these documents each week on my personal blog.
Q: Why should folks attend your session at Netroots Nation, and how can they connect with you?
A: I turned to productivity strategies and tactics as a way to help me get the most important stuff done during the work day so I could make more time for rest and play. I think most people attending Netroots could probably use less stress and more down time in their lives, and this session should give you some tools to make that happen.
People can connect with me on Twitter @BridgettColling. They can hear more about what I and my fellow See3ples are thinking, doing and reading in the realm of digital media, video and social good by subscribing to the DoGooder Dispatches, our weekly email.
To attend this training, or one of the 39 others at Netroots Nation 2015 in Phoenix, register now.
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