Archive by Author

Does your employer own your Twitter followers?

Who owns your twitter followers? Alan Rosenblatt asked this important question today in Big Think’s Digital Politics blog. The answer isn’t as cut and dried as one might expect.

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Ads to appear in Facebook news feeds in January

More Facebook changes are coming! According to Ad Age, Facebook will start placing ads in user news feeds in January. Currently Facebook’s “Sponsored Stories” ads are confined to the right side of the screen. With this change, Sponsored Stories will appear in line with updates from friends.

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Twitter basics: Influencing the conversation

Last weekend Colin Delany of e.politics gave a presentation at Netroots NY about using Twitter to influence the conversation. Lucky for those of us who couldn’t make it to the event, Colin wrote up a blog post with his main points. If you’re new to Twitter or just want to make sure you’re following best practices, you’ll definitely want to check out the post.

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Boost action rates with follow-up emails

Today’s NOI Tip of the Day is a great one. It’s a very actionable and simple way to increase action rates—send follow-up emails!

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Moving beyond tactics

When you’re working for change and running low on resources and high on ambitions, it’s tempting to jump right to the chase. For those of us in the online space this often means jumping into tactics before you’ve figured out a clear plan for using them to achieve your goals. This might mean creating a new Twitter or Google+ account, deciding your organization absolutely must have a video, etc. These can be powerful tools, but without an action plan, they can turn out to be just the opposite– drains on budget and staff time.

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Planning for a website redesign?

Is your website dated, clunky or hard to update? Are you hoping to redesign it but are struggling to figure out where to start? Redesigning a website can be an overwhelming and costly experience, but careful planning can ease the pain a bit and help you save money on design and development.

Abstract Edge released a free e-book this week that guides you through the planning process step by step, and I have to admit that I love it! As someone who’s been involved in designing or redesigning several websites, I can tell you that it’s almost always an excruciating process. Design by committee and impossibly long lists of goals can quickly turn your vision for a new and improved site into a cluttered, generic looking site that doesn’t really do anything well.

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